Making sustainable development understandable, accessible and easily actionable for everyone in Africa.


Africa Dialogues Consulting is a social enterprise founded as a Multi-Stakeholder Partner (MSP) for sharing knowledge, setting standards and providing services for sustainability. 

We  connect sustainability to people’s everyday realities by ensuring ownership and action on the SDGs as a philosophy for life.



ADC is all about making sustainability a way of life in Africa for all people from all walks of life. We use the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the road-map to creating the more prosperous and sustainable Africa 

We are also guided by the AU Africa Agenda 2063 that outlines the specific goals to be achieved by all African governments.


Schools For SDGs Registration

The registration for schools interested in the Schools For SDGs Program for 2019 is open.

The Africa I want

What do you see in the future for Africa?

The frst step to a prosperous and sustainable Africa is to share our personal vision for Africa with each other and the world.


creating the africa we want to live in and leave behind

Creating a prosperous and sustainable Africa begins with equipping all people across the board with the skills and competencies to create their own prosperous and sustainable microcosms. We directly impart sustainability knowledge through the following programs:


Through Schools for SDGs we build the capacity of teachers, learners and schools on sustainability using the Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship approaches. Schools for SDGs seeks to promote sustainability systems thinking and practical action in the education sector in line with SDG 4.

Dialogues to Impact  seeks to deepen thinking and social norms towards sustainability, share experiences and open up space for dialogue on the Africa that works for everyone through The Africa I Want (#TAIW) campaign.

The Africa I Want

Investing to Impact seeks to engage the private sector to act on the SDGs and converge private sector resources to sustainability through corporate social investments, corporate social responsibility projects, sustainability reporting and communication, and sustainability knowledge platforms like training, workshops and conferences.

Investing to Impact

Advisory to Impact seeks to collaborate and influence the public sector in attaining SDGs through the Counties for SDGs (C4SDGs) program. Advisory is geared on facilitating national and county government leaders and custodians to coalesce and action the SDGs at the county level.

Advisory to Impact


creating the africa we want to live in and leave behind

African countries have come a long way since the colonial days. Within a 50 year period we have rebuilt old cities and built new ones, bolstered core services like education and healthcare and created strong institutions to carry us through to the future. Even with this progress there is still much further to go.

Creating a prosperous and sustainable Africa begins with equipping all people across the board with the skills and competencies to create their own prosperous and sustainable microcosms. Our training programs directly imparts sustainability knowledge for teachers, students and the institutions they are part of for them to personally and collectively own and take action on achieving the SDGs.


Teaching to Impact is a unique and continuous training program designed to equip teachers and trainers with a sound and in-depth understanding, knowledge and tools to creatively integrate Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Education for Global citizenship.

Teaching to Impact Program 

Learning to Impact is a learner led platform to ensure learners are at the forefront of being custodians, ambassadors and innovators who will individually and collectively come up with tangible solutions to social and environmental problems beyond the theory.

Learning to Impact

Educating to Impact guides schools to create spaces and opportunities for both teachers and learners to incorporate their passion, talents, skills and ideas to become leaders and drivers of the sustainability agenda.

Educating to Impact


Your voice and ideas matter.

Share your personal vision for Africa and use it to inspire others to take action.